An entrepreneurship and vocational training center for vulnerable groups will operate in Dilijan

In March 2021, the Union of Armenian Communities initiated the program “Creation of a social entrepreneurship and vocational training center to support vulnerable groups in Dilijan.” As a result of the implementation of the project, a training center for the disabled, and other vulnerable groups based on the social entrepreneurship model was established in Dilijan, the main goal of which is to transfer field knowledge to the disabled, as well as representatives of other vulnerable groups and support their employment. The closing ceremony of the program took place on January 19.

The project was supported by the government of Japan, the Union of Armenian Communities, and individuals.

From 2023, it is planned to start the training of representatives of vulnerable groups with “Social entrepreneurship,” “Startup idea development,” “Business model development,” “Business management,” and other programs. After the four-month training, while implementing their own business ideas, the beneficiaries of the program will also have the opportunity to receive two-month consultations from experts in the field.