Bears and Berries. Multifunctional eco center in the community of Berd

Following its mission, Berd Women’s Resource Center Foundation has been promoting local women’s economic development and empowerment through the implementation of educational, healthcare, job-creation and other projects since 2011.

One of the very first projects of the BWRC is the production of handmade toys, called “Berd Bears”.  These handmade bears are certified as environmentally safe products; they are being exported and travel all over the world. 

Within the framework of another, agriculture-oriented project called “Berd Berry ”,  many berry gardens were established for the farmer women living in the Berd community.  A pilot production of berry jams was started, with a special recipe of low sugar content.  

The region with its rich biodiversity is a home for real bears, who love wild berries! The concept of Bears&Berries eco-center was built on the previously started two projects, combining the two productions of berries and handmade bears. Currently,  the berries are cultivated in the  hydroponic greenhouse of the ec-center,  trying to grow  the wild blueberry as well,  growing in the Tavush mountains and being listed in the Red Book.

Through various training courses, more than a hundred women  were trained in the fields of traditional and innovative handicrafts, sustainable agriculture, and tourism, being involved in the production section of the eco-center. 

Life is interesting inside of the eco-center: during their work, the local women share their experiences, successes, funny stories and new things they learnt.

Soon the eco-center  will be able to host guests who can enjoy a fascinating view of Berd city and the old historical fortress from their comfortable rooms, and feel the harmony of the unique nature of Tavush. Berry fans can also enjoy the hydroponic blueberry greenhouse, taste local fresh blueberries, make yogurts, jellies, pies and  ice cream.

In addition to the social-entrepreneurial orientation, the eco-center is also an educational and networking platform. The recently launched Women’s Academy creates opportunities for local women to develop and implement their ideas, this is the best way of motivating  women, making the world a little better through them.