Breaking the stereotypes. The struggle path of Aghababyan sisters

Syuzanna and Ruzanna Aghababyans sisters are from Koghb, Tavush region. At the age of three, the twin sisters acquired physical disabilities, locomotor system problems, but did not stop moving forward. After graduating the school, the sisters were admitted tot he university and got higher education.

Sisters’ morning, as they note, starts like others’ morning, they hurry to work. Syuzanna and Ruzanna sisters work are “Bridge of Hope” NGO.

To the question, is it not difficult to work with children with disabilities, Suzanne answers: “No, having a disability myself, I always wanted to work with children with such problems. I can best understand them, their successes and difficulties, raise the issues.”

The sisters can almost always be seen together, often accompanied by their father, Gagik Aghababyan. Ruzanna says that once they decided to visit their neighbor without their parents, and thanks to their courage and helping each other, they were able to overcome the short but not very easy journey.

The sisters mention that they wouldn’t be so strong without their parents’ support.

In addition to work, the sisters also create in their free time, and in recent years they founded a family business with their father. They are engaged in wine production. Each of the sisters has their own role in the business: Suzanne deals with paperwork, Ruzanna with the company’s marketing and social pages management.


Author: Vera Sahakyan