Cornelian-Cherry soup

Have you ever tried to make soup with cornelian cherry or “honi pshejur” as we call it in Berdavan? If not, you should try, trust me! If yes, try this recipe as well!

Cornelian cherry soup stands out for its useful and healthy properties.
We need:

Cornelian cherry 400-500 grams (marinated, or dried, or stewed)
Oil-50 grams
Onion – half of a medium size
Corneliam cherry juice or water – 1- 1.5 liters
Flour-2 tb/sp

Remove the kernel of the cornelian cherry and grate it. If your corneliam cherry is dry, boil them first. Then mix two table spoon onion with a little juice and mix it very well.

Cook the onion in a saucepan, add 1-1.5 liters of water or juice, then add the prepared flour sauce.
Leave for a few minutes. One minute before boiling, add the flour sauce, mix until it starts to boil. At the end, season with salt and thyme.

Turn off after boiling for a few minutes.
You can also add sugar according to taste and acidity.

Be healthy!
Bon appetite!