Emergency and spring-like congratulations of Tavush Media

Dear ladies of the Tavush world,

Smiling softly from the rubble of life’s earthquakes, not swept away by floods and mudslides, storms and winds, only glowing from fires, rising from landslides and abysses of depreciation, always feminine, charming, charming and desirable, independent and elegant, faithful and dignified, virtuous, honest, modest and upright. , smiling and gentle, polite and forgiving, patient, caring, yielding and tender, merciful and compassionate, generous and willing, sensitive, emotional, fragile and heartless, kind, silent, listening and understanding, contented, grateful and almighty….

From now on let the sky be blue or let it rain, and if you wish let it also snow a little bit.

Let the dollar rate coincide with the rate of the ship of your dreams.

Let only the chess pieces of your generals take part in all the wars of the world, and let the victor’s crown, the victor’s cloak, the victor’s pride and joy, happiness cover you and your men, your husbands and sons.

Let the men around you become astronauts to reach the universe of your insatiable soul, collect stars bit by bit and weave a chain of stars that wraps the earth from the pieces of memories you lived and will live on, decorate your slope, be fearless, and brave, woman-honoring and life-loving, honorable , noble, open-hearted, principled, hardworking and decisive, with a sense of duty, responsibility and humor, moderate and balanced, romantic and extravagant, be a man worth you.