Kindergarten No 1 in Dilijan has a new playground

Kindergarten No 1 in Dilijan has a new playground; on June 1, on International Children’s Day, the opening ceremony of the playground took place in Kindergarten No 1 in Dilijan.

The program was implemented due to the cooperation between Focus on Children Now Charitable Organization and Dilijan Municipality. Dilijan Municipality also supported the program of installing the playground in the amount of 10 % of the total cost of the program, which was paid from the community budget. 

The children of the kindergarten had prepared a beautiful event ahead of the playground opening, in line with the theme of the day.

For many years, the Focus on Children Now Charitable Organization has been involved in furnishing kindergartens in the RA and Artsakh, providing healthy food for preschoolers, and building playgrounds. Such kindergartens were also built in other communities of Tavush region.