Mimino – Armenian-Georgian cultural-culinary festival in Dilijan

on June 17, “Mimino” Armenian-Georgian Cultural Culinary Festival  hosted dozens of representatives of Armenia and Georgia who came to present the diversity and history of their cuisines, dances and songs, arts and crafts in Dilijan. The main goal of the festival was to promote the activation of tourist visits between the two neighboring countries, to strengthen intercultural dialogue and friendship between two nations.

The idea of a cultural culinary festival arose in 2019, but the current problems, the epidemic and the war, did not allow it to be implemented. From now on, it will be annual.  Next year the festival will be held in the city of Telav, in Georgia, where also scenes from the movie “Mimino” were filmed.

“Mimino” Armenian-Georgian Cultural Culinary Festival was implemented with the support of the Ministry of Economy of Armenia, Tourism Committee, Dilijan Municipality, Armenian Federation of Tourism, “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO.

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