The Heroes. Sergey Petrosyan

Our today’s hero of “The Heroes” program is Sergey. Sergey took the Ural loaded with ammunition and drove it under fire from a distance of 700 meters, not listening to the urgings of either the Commander or his friends. He came back with a laugh typical to him.
Being the real son of the land, water, and forests of native Tavush, Sergey Petrosyan went to the front with happiness. He forbade his friends to protest or get sad.


Sergey Petrosyan was born in 2001 in Ijevan. He studied at Getahovit Secondary School. After graduating from school, he got admitted to a college. Then, leaving his education halfway, he was drafted into the army. He served in the “Martuni-2” military unit.

Sergey had two sisters and was the only son of the family. His family members and friends remember him as cheerful, playful, and hardworking.

He was in the front from the first day. He last talked to his family on October 22 and gave hope that everything would be fine. Sergey and his friends took one position in Varanda. Sergey also saved the life of his comrade-in-arms. Sergey fought in the five hottest spots. On October 23, he died in the battles for Varanda.

He was posthumously awarded a medal for courage.

The Heroes. Suren Melikbekyan

Our next issue of “The Heroes” program tells about Suren Meliksetyan from Tavush. Everyone remembers Suren as an extraordinary patriot not only with words but also with his life.

He was born in Berd and then moved to Yerevan. All his dreams were related to his Homeland. He was sure that “The best place in the world to live is Armenia.”

Suren Melikbekyan was born on October 18, 1998, in Berd, Tavush region. He attended Berd Basic School Number 4.

During his school years, he stood out with his exceptional abilities. He participated in a number of competitions. He had contributed to all the events of the region.

In 2016 Suren got admitted to Yerevan State University. In 2020 he graduated with excellence and got admitted to a Master’s degree.

Leaving his education halfway, Suren was drafted into the army on August 19, 2020. He served in Martakert, The Republic of Artsakh. He died on the first day of the war when he was hit by a drone.

The Heroes. Mikael Yeganyan

Today’s hero of “The Heroes” program is Mikael Yeganyan.

Mikael Yeganyan was a grenadier. He was born on August 14, 2001, in Lusadzor village, Tavush region. He studied at Lusadzor Secondary School.

In January 2019, Mikael was drafted into the army under the program “Yes em.” He died on October 1, 2020, on the way to the hospital.

Mikael Yeganyan was posthumously awarded “For Courage” and “Military service” medals.

He wanted to have children, to build and reconstruct his house. He was the only child in the family, and he became responsible for his family. He loved his Homeland the same way and was responsible for the Homeland in the same way.

The Heroes. Zhora Parsyan

Zhora was calm, modest, caring, and devoted. This is how he has remained and will remain in the hearts of his relatives and friends as a hero who dedicated his life for the sake of many. In this issue of “The Heroes” program, we talk about Zhora Parsyan.

Zhora Parsyan was born on January 12, 2001 in Ijevan. Since 2006, he attended Number 5 Secondary School of Ijevan. Since 2012, he also attended “Avanduyt” Music school, the department of drums. He participated in various festivals and came back with victories.

In 2015, he entered the Regional State College of Ijevan, the department of finance. He graduated with excellence in 2018 and was planning to apply to the university. He participated in the shooting tournament and took first place in Tavush region.


On July 19, 2019, he started serving in Sisian and was a Sergeant. On September 8, 2020, he moved to Artsakh. He fought in Jrakan, Varanda, and Hadrut, where he died on October 14.

Like many others, during the 44-day Artsakh war, Zhora also made his choice, and he chose the Homeland and the lives of the people of his Homeland.

The Heroes. Narek Balasyan

“He was like a real happiness ….” He was good-hearted, reliable, and helpful. All his family, friends, and teachers remember him like this. And his comrades-in-arms witness his feats and that he saved lives.

The Heroes. Shirak Gasparyan

The first issue of “The Heroes” program.

Shirak Gasparyan was born in 1998 in Achajur, Tavush region. Shirak was the youngest son of the family, whose birth was long-awaited.

In 2005, Shirak was admitted to the Secondary School of Achajur, named after Hrant Tamrazyan. In 2016, he entered the department of Armenian History at YSU IB. In 2020 he graduated with excellence. After successfully passing the exams, he received invitations from over 15 universities; however, he chose Karlov University in the Czech Republic.

Shirak preferred to serve in the army and only then leave for the Czech Republic.
On July 29, 2020, he started his service in Mekhakavan, Jrakan. After some months, he became a Sergeant. He participated in the war from the first day. Shirak died from the shooting of the enemy. He was handed over to the military in his native village, Achajur.

Shirak Gasparyan was posthumously awarded the “For Courage” medal for his courage and great dedication.
Now in the garden of their house, a church is being built, which was Shirak’s dream.


A remembrance event dedicated to the memory of Hayk Papyan

These days a remembrance event dedicated to the memory of Hayk Papyan, who fell for the Homeland, took place in the House of Culture of Berd.

Remembrance event dedicated to the memory of Alik Hakhverdyan

Not next to us, but always with us with his presence and talent.

On October 9, an exhibition and remembrance event took place dedicated to Alik Hakhverdyan, who is an alumnus of Sharamberyan Children’s School of Fine Arts.
Eternal glory to all our heroes who fell for the peace of the Homeland.

A memorial event dedicated to the 45th anniversary of Vazgen Grigoryan

On the day the war started Vazgen was on duty. Although the scars from the surgery were still fresh, he asked his wife to pack up his stuff so that he could go to the war. And he did so…

Vazgen Grigoryan was born in 1976, in Gandzakar village. He served in the police system for 14 years and had many encouragements but no reprimands. 

In 2021 posthumously, he was awarded the medals of combat support, military service, and courage.

Eternal glory to all our heroes who fell for the peace of our Homeland. 

Hero Lieutenant Colonel Armen Ohanyan would have turned 50 this year

“The homeland starts from our borders,” hero Lieutenant Colonel Armen Ohanyan would have turned 50 this year …