Aygehovit: Srveg Monastery

Srveghi Monastery is located about 3 kilometers southwest of the village of Aygehovit, on the slope called “Under the Cross.” The monastery was built in the 13th century. It was one of the spiritual and cultural centers of the Kayan district in medieval Armenia.
The complex consists of two churches, residential and economic buildings for the monks. It is surrounded by a fortified wall, of which only the foundations remain. Outside the walls, in the vicinity of the monastery, there are remnants of other buildings, tombstones, and khachkars (cross-stones). Clay pipes for water conduction have been preserved, indicating that water was brought to the monastery from a few kilometers away, from the nearby mountains.

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The main church, Saint Nshan, is of the domed hall type. The lower rows of the walls, about one meter high, are constructed with polished dark pink andesite stones. This is one of the few brick-built monuments in Armenia. An inscription, partially preserved, on the front of the altar stone mentions the name Saint Nshan. The exact date of construction is unknown, but it is assumed to be from the 12th-13th centuries. The walls contain intricately carved and inscribed fragments of khachkars (cross-stones) from different eras, all belonging to an older structure. A medieval cemetery surrounds the church.
The church has been renovated multiple times. The two corners of the eastern facade, the central part of the altar, the western door frame, the corner sections, and parts of the dome have been fully renovated.
Saint Astvatsatsin Church is located north of the main church. It is in ruins and is a single-nave hall type, built in 1889 by the village community under the leadership of Father Hovhannes. The walls contain fragments and entire khachkars. The floor features large tombstones. After the Kirants Monastery, it is the second brick-built church in that area from the medieval period.

The project is implemented within the framework of the EU4Culture program “we are our mountains”, funded by the European Union. The project is being implemented by the Municipality of Ijevan and the Urban Sustainable Development Fund.

Aygehovit. Beginning of Spring of the Border Village

A car was burnt in Aygehovit village

On December 31, at 02:17 am,  Tavush Regional Crisis Management Center was alerted that a car was on fire in Aygehovit village.

One fire unit of the Fire and Rescue Squad of the Regional Rescue Department of the Rescue Services of the MES of RA went to the scene.

The fire was isolated at 02:50 and extinguished at 03:13.  A “Nissan Altima” car was burnt. (Driver – B. Ch.)

Fairy tales in Tavush Dialect. The bald and the boss

The evening of a tiring day is the high time to relax and enjoy the fairy tales of Tavush.

Artur Musayelyan reads.

Tavush Sketches: Srvegh Monastery

The Srvegh Monastery brick complex is located 3 km north-west of the village of Aygehovit in Tavush region of Armenia, in the forest, on a high hillside, in the place called “Khachi tak”(“Under the cross”).

Author of the series: Artyom Dalyan
Music: Vigen Hovsepyan – Zulo (Komitas )

Tavush Sketches: the Breath of the Village and Spring from Aygehovit

Tavush village through our eyes: bustling life, great warmth, and eternal love. The village looks at the world like the Sun.

Author of the series: Artyom Dalyan
Music:  Arpine Babakhanyan, Andranik sarkavag Manukyan & Gata Band – Basen Bari

The Heroes. Samvel Matinyan

“If you ask me to describe Samvel in one word, I will say light….”

There is no greater love than sacrificing one’s life for others. There is no greater love than sacrificing one’s life for the Homeland. The Heroes program today tells about the hero Samvel Matinyan.
Samvel Matinyan was born on February 24, 1996, in Aygehovit, Tavush region. He was the third and most expected child of the family.

In 2002 he got admitted to Aygehovit Secondary School, named after Artashes Vasilyan. In 2013, he graduated from school with excellence, then he got admitted to two higher educational institutions: Yerevan State University, the Department of Physics and Mathematics, and Military University, named after Vazgen Sargsyan.
The choice wasn’t hard; the military profession was closer to his heart. He was an artilleryman. He studied at the university for 4years, and after receiving the rank of lieutenant, he went to Jrakan as a squad commander. The choice was not accidental, as he had passed a professional trial period in Jrakan, took part in the April war, and fell in love with the region.

Samvel was a brilliant artilleryman with high professional and human qualities. Already in the third year, he was the Commander of a Motor-Rifle company, with the rank of Captain. He loved his work and cared about every soldier, and it is not accidental that none of the soldiers of his company died in the war. He was truly devoted to his work to be called an officer.


During the 44-day war, Samvel fought against the enemy for 35 days and then was surrounded and led his army out of the blockade. His earthly life ended at the age of 24 on the battlefield.

Samvel Matinyan was posthumously awarded “Zoravar Andranik,” “Courage,” and “Military Service” medals.

The field of education in Tavush region: Roundtable discussion

In Tavush TV we talked about the accessibility, opportunities, and the issues of the field of education with the Executive Director of Dilijan Central School Naira Daluzyan, teacher-leader of “Teach for Armenia” educational program and the mentor of “Seroond” program Yelena Ghukasyan, and the president of Student Council of Aygehovit Secondary School Zina Poghosyan.