Spiritual border guard: Events dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Khoranashat Monastery will be held

This year Tavush celebrates the 800th anniversary of one of the Medieval Armenian educational centers, Khoranashat Monastery. Khoranashat has been firmly standing on the border for eight centuries; it continues to stand under the unceasing fire of the enemy, testifying to our glorious history, culture, and science.

Khoranashat is located in the northeast of Chinari village, right next to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The Monastery was founded by Monk Vardapet, with the support of Vahramyan kings. The construction finished in 1222. 

Khoranashat was one of the largest educational, scientific-cultural, and theological centers of Medieval Armenia. Vardapetaran of Khoranashat was a school with historical studies, with a duration of 7-8 years. History, theology, philosophy, bibliography, musicology, grammar, astrology, calendar studies, natural sciences, and botany were taught at Khoranashat. They also copied manuscripts. 

Famous philosopher Vardan Areveltsi, historian Grigor Akneretsi, and catholicos Grigor Akhtamaratsi studied here. 

Khoranashat was also a center of writing. Many of the valuable manuscripts written in Khoranashat are kept in Matenadaran, including “The Book of Lamentation”, “Narek”, and “Mashtots” manuscripts. The famous manuscript of “The Gospel” was also created in the Monastery.

Several events will be held in Yerevan, and Chinari, Tavush Region, until May 29 to mark the 800th anniversary of the Monastery.

The events have started at the Matenadarn after Mesrop Mashtots with the opening of the exhibition of “Manuscript Treasures of Khoranashat,” which will run until May 24. The exhibition presents about a dozen unique manuscripts created in Khoranashat starting from the 13th century, including the famous Gospel of Khoranashat of 1224.

The events will continue on May 28 and 29. The “Gospel of Khoranashat” of 1224 will be taken out of Matenadaran, and it will spend one night in Tavush, returning home to the center where it was created. On May 28, at 11 a.m., an episcopal Holy Liturgy will be served in Khoranashat Monastery.

After the Liturgy, the Andastan ceremony will be held with the Holy Cross and the Gospel of Khoranashat in the area close to the community hall. At 7 p.m. Armenian State Chamber Choir (artistic director and chief conductor) will have a concert at the culture house of Chinari.

The events will also continue the next day, on May 29. The presentation of the book album “Khoranashat 800” will take place at the Culture House of Chinari at 11 a.m., which will be followed by a conference dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the scientific and spiritual center. The evening will be summed up again with a concert program, “Akunq” folk song and dance ensemble will perform at 19:00.

“Earlier, Khoranashat was located in the heart of Armenia during its history, has become a frontier Monastery being located only about 100 meters far from the enemy positions. About 150 meters above the Monastery is the tomb of the monk, which is even closer to the border.

May 28 is a significant day for us, as on that day we cannot be anywhere else but in the Monastery on the border of our state, which is not only a spiritual value, not only a carrier of educational and cultural content but also testifies to the border of our state with its physical presence. Because of that, we declared May 28 the day of the pilgrimage to Khoranashat Monastery,” the Primate of the Diocese of Tavush, Bishop Bagrat, mentioned at the press conference dedicated to the 800th-anniversary events.

The events are organized with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Armenia, through the efforts of the “Khoranashat 800” initiative group, and in cooperation with the Tavush Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Matenadaran after Mesrop Mashtots, many other individuals and organizations.


The new building of Social-educational Center Paponts Tun opened in Noyemberyan

Social-educational Center Paponts Tun has been operating in Noyemberyan since 2015. The opening ceremony of the new building of the center took place on May 5. The people of Noyemberyan call the center “Paponts Tun” (Grandfather’s house) as they love the center like their grandparents’ house.

The construction of the new building started in 2019; before that, the center was operating in a dilapidated building.

“Paponts Tun” will contribute to the acquisition and strengthening educational, cultural, and spiritual values of 200 children of Noyemberyan and neighboring villages.

The center will also serve families in the region, especially those with social issues. The center has groups of pottery, painting, carpet weaving, chess, foreign languages, and national and church songs. “TaUzh” school was also established recently. There are also courses for parents. 

High-standard coffee with the staff of “Zulali”

Tavush crossroads. The students of Berd Multifunctional State College presented the history and traditions of Tavush

From the history and traditions of Tavush to traditional Tavush dishes: on May 3, with the joint efforts of lecturers and students of Berd Multifunctional State College, an event entitled “Tavush crossroads” took place.

During the event, the students of the State College presented the history and traditions of Tavush, folklore, traditional cuisine, historical monuments, sights, and cultural values.

At the end of the event, the guests tasted traditional dishes of Berd area cooked by the students. 

Maestro Mansuryan in border Koghb. The music school of the village was named after the great composer

With the initiative of the Koghb Foundation, and by the decision of the Noyemberyan community council, on May 1, Koghb Music School was named after the great composer Tigran Mansuryan.

Maestro Manustyan was present at the nomination ceremony. During the event, the students of the school presented Tigran Mansuryan’s biography and the way he passed. 

At the end of the event, Koghb Foundation awarded a number of grants and scholarships to the teachers and students of Koghb public and music schools for the success and achievements of the first quarter of 2022. 

The nomination ceremony ended with the announcement of the Koghb Foundation announcing the annual Tigran Mansuryan Music Award.

The teachers and students of the renovated, furnished, equipped with new musical instruments and already named after Tigran Mansuryan will continue their work and education with greater responsibility. 

“Zulali” returned to Tavush. Tavush screening of the film in Berd

Two significant cultural events took place on May 1 in Berd, Tavush. After a long pause, the “Arevaberd” cinema again opened its doors. The reopening of the cinema was announced with the Tavush screening of the “Zulali” film.

Prose writer Narine Abgaryan and director, producer Hayk Ordyan were honored to cut the red ribbon announcing the reopening of the “Arevaberd” cinema. 

According to Narine Abgaryan, the author of “The Zulali” novel, such events should be repeated often, especially in the border area: “I was present at the premiere, both in Yerevan and in Berd. Both there, and here, I was very excited because the words and criticism of a compatriot are always important for every artist.”

“The fact that “Zulai” has already been shown in Berd is a very important point in my life, after which I should work and create differently… Cinema should finally enter Tavush, and cinema should reach the people of Tavush. The assessments that I should hear from the people of Tavush are very important for me as a creative person,” this is how the director of the film, Hayk Ordyan speaks about his impressions from the Tavush screening of the film.  

The shooting of the “Zulali” film started in 2019; however, the film has gone through a very difficult and long way, overcoming the epidemic, financial difficulties, and the war.

The film is not very different from the movie. Dialect conversations have been preserved. All the shootings were carried out in Navur and Aygedzor villages of Tavush. The film shows the manners of the villagers and how warm and honest neighbors and relationships with them change everyone’s reality. 

The film stars Hermine Stepanyan, Marine Petrosyan, and Artyom Meliqyan. 

“In fact, we were waiting for the premiere in Berd more than for the screening of Yerevan because all the feelings we had during the filming in Berd and the great help we got from all the people of Berd was simply indescribable. And we wanted somehow to thank for that; this screening was just a small part of that gratitude. So, I congratulate us for having such an opportunity to show our favorite “Zulali” in Berd,” says Zulali’s actress Hermine Stepanyan. 

Women’s place and role, and their problems in Tavush: Roundtable discussion

In Tavush TV, we have again gathered around the discussion table. This time the topic is culture. The guests are the director of Berd Culture House, Armen Meliqyan, the director of Dilijan Art School after Hovhannes Sharamberyan Hreghen Gasparyan, and the organizer of Berdavan Culture House, Ani Hakhverdyan.

Cultural problems and challenges in Tavush. Roundtable discussion

In Tavush TV we have again gathered at the discussion table; this time the topic is the cultural sphere, our guests are the director of Berd Culture House Armen Melikyan, the director of the school of fine arts of Dilijan named after Hovhannes Sharamberyan Hreghen Gasparyan and the organizer of Berdavan Culture House Ani Hakhverdyan.

Thoughts on culture, the problems of the sphere in Tavush region

The fourth topic of the ongoing discussions on Tavush TV is culture. We are presenting our compatriots’ ideas about the topic, and this opening program will be followed by a roundtable discussion.

The poor condition of the culture houses, the problem of the youth involvement, availability of the resources and environment… our interlocutors are highlighting the challenges facing the cultural development in Tavush, how to overcome them and their ideas about their roots.