Acharkut: Arakelots Monastery

DigiTime · Arakelots Monastry

Arakelots Monastery is located 2 km from the village of Acharkut in the Tavush region of Armenia, on the left bank of the Kiran River. The monastery consists of two churches, a narthex, residential and utility buildings, most of which are in a semi-ruined state. The complex is surrounded by a thick wall, and 80 meters below the complex is a caravanserai.

The main church of the monastery was built in the 13th century. With a rectangular floor plan, the cross-shaped interior church belongs to the type of domed halls. The northern wall of the church is part of the wall of the complex. The dome is supported by a round drum resting on four arches that connect the pillars. The only entrance to the church is from the narthex. The church is built of greenish stones. The interior walls are plastered with lime mortar, on which fragments of frescoes have been preserved in some places.

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The narthex of Arakelots Monastery is one of the bright examples of medieval Armenian architecture. Above the door of the narthex, there is an inscription mentioning the year 1245, from which it can be inferred that it was built in the 18th century. This rectangular structure is distinguished by its roof, which consists of two pairs of intersecting arches. The passage leading to the opening of the skylight is constructed in the “hazarashen” style, used in the construction of Armenian rural houses, with the difference that instead of wooden beams, stone beams are used, laid diagonally on top of each other. To the southwest of the narthex was the bell tower, of which only the lower parts of the walls have survived.

The second church of the monastery (14th century) is located on its southern side, adjacent to the western fortified wall. This rectangular church with a gabled roof belongs to the type of single-nave vaulted basilicas.

Under the southern wall of the main church stands the red tuff Khachkar of St. Karapet, notable for its intricate carvings and reliefs. Only ruins remain of the auxiliary buildings of the monastery.

The project is implemented within the framework of the “We Are Our Mountains” program, financed by the European Union’s EU4Culture initiative. The project is carried out by the Ijevan Municipality and the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation.

Getahovit: St. Mateos Church

DigiTime · St. Mateos Church

St. Mateos Church is located in the Getahovit community of the Tavush region. The church was built in 2018. Before its construction, there was no active church in Getahovit; only the semi-ruined ancient temple known as Midzhashen, which is quite far from the settlement, had been preserved.

St. Mateos Church was built on the initiative and with the funds of Koryun Ulukhanyan, a resident of Getahovit, and was consecrated on July 8, 2023, by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, the Primate of the Diocese of Tavush.

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There is no special story related to the name. The name Mateos was borne by the great-grandfather of the benefactor Koryun Ulukhanyan, and now by his younger son. The church area is located within a specially protected historical and cultural monument zone of Armenia. The church grounds also feature a monument dedicated to the victims of the Great Patriotic War and a small memorial complex in memory of the victims of the Genocide.

St. Mateos Church stands out for its historical and cultural significance, as well as its community and spiritual role. It serves as a spiritual center, built in the traditional Armenian architectural style. The church has a single nave and an octagonal floor plan.

The construction of St. Mateos Church is also a significant step in the development of the cultural life of the community.

The project is implemented within the framework of the “We Are Our Mountains” program, financed by the European Union’s EU4Culture initiative. The project is carried out by the Ijevan Municipality and the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation.

Khashtarak: St․ David the Prophet church

DigiTime · St. Davit Margare Church

St. David Margare Church is located in the Khashtarak community. It was consecrated on May 9, 2012. The church is a single-nave structure built from pink tuff stone. The churchyard is well-maintained and features benches. The church is situated on a hill in Khashtarak, offering a picturesque view of the surrounding forested communities. The interior decoration of the church is characteristic of modern church architecture, with walls adorned with religious paintings. The church has a single altar.

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Within the church grounds, there is also a soldier’s statue dedicated to the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and a khachkar (cross-stone) dedicated to the memory of those who perished in the 44-day war of 2020.
St. David Margare Church was built with the funds of Artak Kamalyan, a professor of economics at Voronezh University, who is originally from Khashtarak. The spiritual center was constructed in memory of Artak Kamalyan’s deceased brother, David Kamalyan.

The program is implemented within the framework of the “We Are Our Mountains” project, funded by the European Union’s EU4Culture program. The program is carried out by the Ijevan Municipality and the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation.

Lusahovit: Moro-Dzoro Monastery

DigiTime · Moro Dzoro Monastery

Moro-Dzoro Monastery is located on the right bank of the southwest gorge of the village of Lusahovit (formerly Tsrviz) in the Tavush Province of the Republic of Armenia. It is also known as the Monastery of Tsrviz. The Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God) tetraconch domed church of the monastery was built in the 5th century with roughly hewn basalt stone (the original structure has been preserved up to the dome arches).
In the 6th–7th centuries, the dome-supporting arches, dome arches, and the dome itself were rebuilt with finely hewn basalt. The apses are horseshoe-shaped inside and semicircular outside (except for the southern apse, which is rectangular on the outside). The capitals of the eastern apse’s dome-supporting arches and the horizontal band stretching between them feature lancet and braided decorative carvings at the lower part.

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Moro Dzoro Monastery flourished in the 12th–13th centuries, becoming one of the spiritual centers of the Mahkanaberd region. In 1177–78, Prince Kurd Artsruni, the ruler of Mahkanaberd and patron of the monastery, exempted Moro Dzoro Monastery from all taxes. This decision was confirmed by King George III of Georgia, with his inscription on the northern apse’s dome arch of the Holy Mother of God Church. In 1197, Prince Ivane Zakaryan and his sister Nana renovated Moro Dzoro Monastery, restoring the dome and roof of the Holy Mother of God Church. In 1213, Princes Zakare and Ivane Zakaryan once again renovated the monastery and appointed Father Evagrius as its abbot.
After the Mongol invasions, Moro Dzoro Monastery lost its privileges, the monastic community dispersed, and the Holy Mother of God Church continued to function as a parish church until the 19th century. In the 1980s, the dome and the coverings of the apses of the Holy Mother of God Church in Moro-Dzoro Monastery were renovated.

The project is implemented within the framework of the EU4Culture program “we are our mountains”, funded by the European Union.
The project is being implemented by the Municipality of Ijevan and the Urban Sustainable Development Fund.

Nerqin Tsakhkavan

DigiTime · Tsaghkavan

Tsaghkavan is one of the oldest settlements in the Tavush region, founded approximately in the mid-13th century. Historically, the settlement was located about 500-1000 meters south of the current village site. The village was a residence of meliks (noble rulers) and was called Melikgyugh until the 1940s, when it was renamed Tsaghkavan on March 2, 1940.

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The old site of Melikgyugh is located about 1000 meters south of the present village. On the hill at the southern edge of the village, remnants of an ancient pre-Christian Armenian shrine (possibly a pagan temple) have been discovered, with large hewn stones arranged in a circle. It is likely that in ancient times, this was the gathering place for the village elders’ council.
On the same hill, there are khachkars (cross-stones) from the 13th century. There are also khachkars in the nearby forests, including those in the so-called “Celtic” style. One of these is located above “Pulk” and is called Spitak Khach (White Cross).

The surroundings of Melikgyugh-Tsaghkavan are favorable for eco- and ethno-tourism. Numerous springs with cold water flow along the edge of the Tavush forest, known for their healing properties (particularly beneficial for treating eczema and gastrointestinal diseases). The most famous of these springs is Masmani Spring.

The project is implemented within the framework of the “We Are Our Mountains” program, financed by the European Union’s EU4Culture initiative. The project is carried out by the Ijevan Municipality and the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation.

Ijevan: St. Hovhannes Chapel

The Saint Hovhannes Chapel in Ijevan was consecrated on September 7, 2008. It is located next to an old chapel built by the Kazumyan family in the 19th century. Over the years, the old chapel had fallen into ruin, leaving only a few stones.

After some time, Suren Kazumyan decided to restore the chapel together with his brother. As a result, the construction of the new chapel was sponsored by the Kazumyan and Sahakyan families.

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The remains of the structure have been preserved from the old chapel:

Over the years, the chapel was destroyed, only a few holy stones remained from the former chapel, and after receiving a sign from God in a dream, Suren Kazumyan decided to rebuild the chapel together with his brother.:

The program is implemented within the framework of the “We Are Our Mountains” project, funded by the European Union’s EU4Culture program. The program is carried out by the Ijevan Municipality and the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation.


DigiTime · Azatamut

Azatamut is a village in the Tavush Province, located on the right bank of the Aghstev River, 16 km north of Ijevan. It previously held the status of an urban-type settlement. The border with Azerbaijan runs near Azatamut. The nearby villages are Ditavan, Achajur, and Sevkar. The village has a school, a kindergarten, a cultural center, and a tobacco factory.

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Azatamut is a village, but it consists only of apartment buildings and cottages. It was founded in 1970 on the lands of the neighboring Ditavan community as a settlement. For several years, it was named after the Bentonite Clay Factory. In November 1978, it was renamed Azatamut. In November 1920, the 11th Red Army entered Armenia through this area from Azerbaijan and sovietized the republic. The name Azatamut was given to commemorate the Red Army’s entry into Armenia through this area.

Azatamut is located on the right bank of the Aghstev River, directly bordering the Barxudarlı and Sofulu villages of the Qazakh District of Azerbaijan.

The project is being implemented within the framework of the “We Are Our Mountains” program, financed by the European Union’s EU4Culture initiative. The project is carried out by the Ijevan Municipality and the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation.

Kiranch: St. Errordutyun Church

DigiTime · Holy Trinity Church

In the village of Kirants in Tavush Province is the newly discovered Holy Trinity Church from the 19th century, which has received the status of a local monument. The Holy Trinity Basilica-type church in Kirants (Kuneni), Tavush Province, mentioned as early as the fourth century, was built in 1888.

The church operated until the mid-1930s. A decision was made to completely demolish the church building, but the then village leader, Abgar Nazaryan, persuaded to preserve the building and convert it into a wheat storage.

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During the Soviet years, it was used as a storage for a long time. Currently, the church’s roof is completely destroyed, there are cracks in some parts of the walls, the floor is broken, and the church’s area needs improvement. Due to Soviet-era interventions, some entrances or windows of the church were closed, and other alterations were made, which are planned to be removed through the restoration project.

The project is implemented within the framework of the EU4Culture program “we are our mountains”, funded by the European Union.
The project is being implemented by the Municipality of Ijevan and the Urban Sustainable Development Fund.

Vazashen: Monument to the 2000th anniversary

DigiTime · Monument to the 2000th anniversary

Vazashen, as a settlement, has been remembered since ancient times and is one of the oldest settlements in the Tavush Province. Historically, it was called Lalagegh or Ashughegh. After the establishment of Soviet rule, it was named Lali Village until 1970, and then it was renamed Vazashen.

The village began to develop especially after 1960 when the construction of an irrigation network led to a rapid development of horticulture. Thanks to this, the village’s economy quickly became one of the most advanced in the region. The high-quality grapes grown here were in great demand in the Armenian brandy production industry.

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Being a border village, during the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, the village’s gardens were mostly in the line of fire and were completely destroyed.

The village of Vazashen in Tavush Province celebrated its 2000th anniversary. As early as the second century AD, the Greek scientist, geographer, and cartographer Ptolemy, while creating the map of Greater Armenia, marked Lal village in its northern part, which has been called Vazashen since 1907. Vazashen has more than 1100 residents. On November 11, 2007, a monument dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the village’s founding was unveiled, built by Hakob and Hovhannes Hovsepyan.

Key information about Vazashen village:

  • Area: 15.4 km²
  • Population: 790 people
  • Elevation above sea level: 620 m
  • Climate: temperate zone, average summer temperature: +30°C, winter: -2°C
  • Cultural monuments: St. Astvatsatsin Church (19th century, in semi-ruined condition)
  • Distance from Yerevan: 172 km, from the regional center: 32 km, from the state border of Armenia: 0.5 km
  • Occupation of the population: agriculture and animal husbandry
  • Water supply for drinking and irrigation: insufficient
  • Gasified
  • Road conditions: satisfactory

During the defense of the village, 10 freedom fighters and civilians were killed, and 22 people were injured. The village has a secondary school with 150 students, a medical center, and a kindergarten.

The area occupied by the community is 1707 hectares, of which 309 hectares are pastures, 732 hectares are arable land, and 51.3 hectares are forest.

All this demonstrates Vazashen’s rich history and the great significance of the community in the region.

The project is implemented within the framework of the EU4Culture program “we are our mountains”, funded by the European Union.
The project is being implemented by the Municipality of Ijevan and the Urban Sustainable Development Fund.

Sarigyux։ Chinari tree

DigiTime · Chinar Tree

The Chinar tree is located 19 km north of the Tavush regional center, in the village of Sarigyugh, situated on the left side of the Aghstev River. The tree’s height is approximately 54 meters, and its trunk circumference is 14 meters.

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Inside the trunk, there is a hollow large enough to shelter 15-20 people, which locals have turned into a church, visiting it every Sunday. The tree has 12 large branches symbolizing the 12 disciples of Christ. According to the residents of Sarigyugh, it is around 2000 years old.
There is a legend that the tree self-ignites every seven years. According to the legend, King Ashot II the Iron planted the tree in the 920s.

The project is implemented within the framework of the EU4Culture program “we are our mountains”, funded by the European Union. The project is being implemented by the Municipality of Ijevan and the Urban Sustainable Development Fund.