Invitation to the intra-university competition for applications for research topics (2023-2024 year) by the YSU Ijevan Branch

The deadline for the applications: September 15

Click on the link for more details.

Environmental business ideas competition

“Dilijan Youth Cooperation Center” NGO has announced a competition of ideas on the environmental theme among families for the Yenokavan and Sevkar communities within the framework of the “Support for the Creation of Ecological Corridors” program in Armenia.

Ideas should be about how to improve the living conditions of rural families in a sustainable way without harming the environment.

Three main competition places are defined:

1․՝200,000 AMD

2․ 150,000 AMD

3․ 100,000  AMD

Applications must be submitted online or in paper (print) form.


The application should be sent to 

The printed (paper) versions need to be completed (handwritten) and submitted to the municipality in a closed envelope, indicating the applicant’s name and contact information.

The deadline: June 15

For more details you can contact Ararat Alikanyan 091727941,093316748; email:

This competition is carried out by the “World Wide Fund for Nature” Armenian office within the framework of the “Implementation of a participatory financial approach for socio-economic development in Armenia” component of the “Promotion of Ecocorridors in the South Caucasus – II” program. The project is implemented in Tavush region with the partnership of “Dilijan Youth Cooperation Center” NGO.

Grant competition for the “Idea stage” component

The Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA announces the start of a grant competition for the “Idea Stage” component within the framework of the “From Idea to Business” 2023 grant program.

As part of the program, it is planned to provide funding in the form of grants to start-up companies at the idea stage, whose ideas for products and/or services are aimed at creating new values in the field of high technologies and / or solving current problems and challenges using technology.

The total budget of the grant program is AMD 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million). It is planned to provide up to 5,000,000 (five million) drams to each company that won the competition.

All details about the competition, the procedure for its holding, the conditions for processing and submitting an application are presented on the official website of the Ministry at the following link.

Support for a tourism business initiative

The state body (hereafter referred to as the client) is the Tourism Committee of the RA Ministry of Economy, which is located in Yerevan, Mher Mkrtchyan 5, announces a grant awarding competition organized through the armeps ( electronic system for the following event:

  • Support for one tourism business initiative (Code: 12/5-23zb

As a result of the competition, the organization recognized as the winner will be offered to sign a grant-donation contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract) in accordance with the established procedure.

The procedure for conducting this competition, the conditions for making and submitting an application, as well as the conditions for organizations that do not have the right to participate in the competition, are defined in the invitation posted on the armeps ( electronic system.

Applications for participation in the competition must be submitted electronically through the electronic armeps ( system by 17:00 on the 15th day from the date of publication of this announcement.

For additional information related to this announcement, you can contact the secretary of the evaluation committee, Shake Hovsepyan.

You get the full information about the project here.

Phone: 011597157


EU Local Empowerment of Actors for Development in Lori and Tavush Regions to from agro-producers’ associations in formal and informal groups


About “EU Local Empowerment of Actors for Development in Low and Tavush Regions” project 

The EULEAD4Lori and Tavush Regions project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the UN Food and Agricultural Organization and in close cooperation with the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure. The project is implemented in Lori and Tavush regions of Armenia as part of the European Union’s LEADER / Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) concept.

It helps the local population in Lori and Tavush to play active role in inclusive, resilient and sustainable local development that aims at designing of territorial development models with involvement of citizens in setting development agenda, decision-making and implementation.

General Description

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new “formation of agricultural producer associations, formal and/or informal groups” coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to encourage cooperation between farmers, agribusinesses, agricultural cooperatives and other agricultural-oriented organizations. collaboration and knowledge sharing. It aims to promote sustainable agricultural practices, increase productivity and support community development.

Through the program, groups will have access to a range of technical support and resources to help them achieve their goals.

Project Schedule according to the stages:

  • Application submission – till May 10, 2023
  • Application evaluation and selection of the groups –May 2023
  • Organization of group work and launch of activities – June-July 2023

The application – click here

Contact information:  (+374 94) 48 87 85, and

Deadline: May 10, 2023

Small and Emerging Business Development Program in Armenian Provinces with Scholarships for Women

In November 2022, the American University of Armenia (AUA) Open Education launched the “Sarkis Cabayan Small and Emerging Business Development Program in Armenian Provinces with Scholarships for Women.”

The goal of the program is to promote the development of businesses in the regions of Armenia, providing particular support to women entrepreneurs. The curriculum was prepared by the faculty of the AUA Manoogian Simone College of Business & Economics and invites entrepreneurs to participate in an intensive six-month course on entrepreneurship, business management, financial management, and finding new markets. In tandem with the main program, foreign and local mentors will provide individual and practical advice to students, aimed at the development of their businesses and the launch of new ideas. The training will be conducted in English, which is why the program opens with English language lessons before students start the business course.

The program is sponsored by Armenian-American Dr. Hrayr Cabayan who, emphasizing quality education and the role of women in a developed society, established a full scholarship for all female entrepreneur students in his father’s name.

The diverse businesses represented by the applicants of the first cohort are impressive and include ventures such as greenhouse vegetable production, handmade leather products, personal and professional skills development centers, apparel design and production, handmade souvenirs production, guesthouse and tourism, apitourism, handmade paper products from recycled materials, among others.

The program will be implemented in the Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Vayots Dzor, and Syunik marzes of Armenia, as well as in Artsakh.

To participate in the program, please fill in the following application form by May 21, 2023.

The Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Armenia announces a grant tender / Support for at least 2 tourism business initiatives




The state body (hereafter: the client) Tourism Committee of the RA Ministry of Economy, which is located in Yerevan, Mher Mkrtchyan 5, announces a grant awarding competition organized through the armeps ( electronic system for the following event

Support for at least 2 tourism business initiatives. As a result of the competition, the winning organization will be offered to sign a grant-donation agreement (hereinafter the agreement) in accordance with the established procedure.

Applications for participation in the competition must be submitted electronically through the electronic armeps ( system by 17:00 on the 15th day from the date of publication of this announcement.


Phone:  011597157


Tourism Committee of the RA Ministry of Economy

Democracy Commission Small Grants Program Competition in Armenia by the US Embassy

It’s important to know:
✅Total Amount Available:50,000 💲
✅ The number of the grants: up to 10
✅ Target fields:  human rights protection, promotion of tolerance, conflict resolution, equality, involvement and women’s right.
⚠️Deadline for Applications: 11:59 PM local (Armenia) time on April 16, 2023
The details in the guide.

Innovative technology idea competition

Within the EU-funded “FUTURE TODAY: Empowering women, youth and children for deepening democracy in Armenia” project  UNDP Armenia’s Kolba Lab opens a special call for proposals seeking partnership with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) around co-design and incubation of citizen-driven innovative ideas. The call will aim at mobilising a critical cohort of innovators in identifying, developing and testing (1) bottom-up citizens proposals on how to improve participatory governance at local and national levels; (2) ideas like alternative connectivity, social networking, peer-to-peer support and mobilization.

The call is open to the CSOs from Armenia. The short-listed 6 applicant organizations will be invited to the Co-design and rapid-incubation booth camp (3 days); up-to 3 selected teams will receive funding of up to USD 7,000 for pilots in Armenia to be implemented within 3 months.

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2023. 

Apply here

A series of women’s empowerment trainings in the Berd community

The women’s month is the best time to start our women’s Academy through the hybrid courses and mentorship of business management, tourism, agriculture. The graduates of the Academy will have the opportunity to receive grants to realize their creative ideas!.
The Berd Women’s Academy is aimed at the economic empowerment of the women of Berd community, so to become a member, write to our page or call us through 999051585 phone number/WhatsApp. Deadline for the registration. is March 20.
***Project is supported by Finland in South Caucasus, implemented by the Berd Women’s Resource Center Foundation (BWRCF).