Interview with doctors from France

Since 2020, French doctors have been visiting Armenia and Artsakh in different phases. These days, the groups of doctors are in Tavush and visit the border villages of the region to support the medical personnel.

Levon Khachatryan, a French-Armenian doctor, and Armine Nadiryan, a cardiologist-surgeon, are at the Tavush TV pavilion.

Ernest Khanumyan talked with the doctors about the needs of the health sector of the border villages, the problems of the population and the activities of volunteer doctors.

A spiritual-rehabilitation center for children with cancer was opened at the top of Getahovit

On October 14, the building of the spiritual rehabilitation center for children with cancer and their families was opened. The center is located in the highest part of Getahovit village.

It will be a unique center in Armenia where children will come after chemotherapy for spiritual recovery.
The rehabilitation center was built with the sponsorship of Lucy Palyan, who lives in Italy, in memory of his brothers, Andranik and Ohannes Chemchemyans.

Karo Arakelyan is one of the sponsors of the construction of the rehabilitation center. He was awarded the highest award of the Diocese of Tavush, “The Cross of Tavush. TaHuys” medal.

The center is located at the top of Getahovit village, where a sanatorium operated during the Soviet years; after the re-independence of Armenia, the building was turned into a military unit, and in recent years, the building was given to the Armenian Apostolic Church. With the construction of the rehabilitation center, the next works of the Diocese of Tavush begin. the construction of the military rehabilitation center will start soon, and the construction of the camp is also in process.

Free medical consultation at Berd Medical Center. Member doctors of French Light Association were in the border community

On September 2, member doctors of the French Light association were at Berd Medical center to provide free consultations. A therapist, an oncologist, and a cardiologist from the capital Yerevan and the USE visited to listen and give guidance to the population of the region.

The doctors’ visit to Berd also has an educational purpose; the visit is aimed at sharing the experience with local doctors.

Residents of Berd’s enlarged community, who have chronic diseases and often have exacerbations of the disease, visited the medical center to get a free consultation. Experienced doctors admitted and gave the prescription to the enrolled citizens.

The consultations will be continuous. French Light association member doctors will also visit other medical centers of the Republic.