Ideas competition for young leaders living in Lori, Tavush and Shirak regions

Within the framework of the “Development of Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” program implemented with the support of the EU, the Green Lane NGO announces the acceptance of applications for the national ideathon.

The winners will be awarded cash prizes for implementing the presented idea:
🥇1st place – AMD 150,000

🥈 2nd place – AMD 100,000

🥉 3rd place – AMD 80,000
Ideathon aims to empower NEET youth living in Lori, Tavush and Shirak regions.  NEET means young people who are not engaged in education, work or other trainings.

Ideathon is open to young people aged 14-29 living in Lori, Tavush and Shirak regions who are actively involved in community development and want to find solutions to local social or environmental challenges.
Ideaton will take place on February 1-15 in a hybrid version.

To participate, apply until January 29 through the following link:…/1_ES2iPFwEFo6x4CoRxcM…/edit…
The national ideathon is organized by the EU-supported “EU4Youth. Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Progress in Border Regions” within the framework of the project implemented by Green Lane NGO (Armenia) and CENN (Georgia).