The Deputy Minister of ESCS Zhanna Andreasyan paid a working visit to Tavush region

The main substantive change in the field of comprehensive education in 2021 was the approval and testing of a new standard of comprehensive education in the schools of Tavush region.

On February 2, Zhanna Andreasyan, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA, paid a working visit to Tavush region: “Today we are here to see how the process of introducing new subject standards takes place in schools, what problems, issues, points there are, that need to be amended, because it’s important for us that the tests are effective, and as a result, we can really get the best standard.”

The first stop of the Deputy Minister was at Khashtarak. Secondary School. Accompanied by the school principal, the Deputy Minister, Arsen Baghdasaryan, the Head of the Department of Comprehensive Education of the Ministry of ESCS, and Artashes Torosyan, Executive Director of the “National Center for Education Development and Innovation” Foundation, got acquainted with the process of application of the state standard of comprehensive education and answered the teachers’ and students’ questions. The Deputy Minister also visited Lusadzor Basic School, toured the classrooms, got acquainted with the educational process.

The visit ended at Ijevan Basic School N1, where a session of the pedagogical council took place. The Deputy Minister summed up the visit to the region in Tavush regional administration, with a meeting with the regional governor Hayk Ghalumyan.

According to Ms. Andreasyan especially the meetings with the teachers “were very important and they were meaningful discussions, where the good was talked about well, but the issues were also pointed out, very specific observations were made.”

It should be reminded that the new subject standards and programs have been introduced for experimental purposes in the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 10th grades of the state secondary schools of Tavush region. Subject standards have passed the stage of public and professional discussions with teaching communities and professionals of the field.

“Restart Ijevan” launches “Entrepreneurship Promotion in Ijevan” initiative

”Entrepreneurship Promotion in Ijevan” program launched on the initiative of the “Restart Ijevan” NGO, is in progress. Within the framework of the program, 5 girls from the community, who don’t get higher education, will get specialized in the field of confectionery. After receiving the necessary qualification as a result of the trainings, the participants of the program will get the opportunity to work in the confectionery industry.

“The idea of the program arose, when we as a team, started to notice that there are many women and girls in Ijevan, who have a great love and passion for confectionery but do not have appropriate resources and opportunities to get professional knowledge. We decided to give them the opportunity to become skilled professionals in this field within the framework of the community development program, to have their small productions, probably to work in factories or become bigger entrepreneurs in the future.” Says Vika Kharatyan, one of the initiators of the program.

The idea is implemented within the framework of the “Youth for Community Development” program, which includes about 50 young people from Tavush. In parallel with the “Entrepreneurship Promotion in Ijevan” initiative, 5 youth programs are currently being implemented in different communities of Tavush region.

Medora Asilyan, one of the participants of the programs tells, “More than 7 programs were selected, which had both educational and community nature. Through this program, we have tried to give an opportunity to young people and make them ambassadors of change. They have developed these programs by themselves looking at the problems around them. The goal was for them to start contributing to the development of their communities by themselves.”



Thoughts on culture, the problems of the sphere in Tavush region

The fourth topic of the ongoing discussions on Tavush TV is culture. We are presenting our compatriots’ ideas about the topic, and this opening program will be followed by a roundtable discussion.

The poor condition of the culture houses, the problem of the youth involvement, availability of the resources and environment… our interlocutors are highlighting the challenges facing the cultural development in Tavush, how to overcome them and their ideas about their roots.

It’s time. Don’t delay

Considering the peculiarities of the dialect of Tavush region, we want to warn that to understand the whole meaning of the expressions used in the video and the below-mentioned text, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Tavush.
We will talk about our new and Tavush characters and, of course, we will talk about your favorite topic-marriage.

And so, let’s watch our first issue to enjoy our tasteful conversation with Grandma Susan and find out when it is the time.

Ijevan. Big complexes of a small town

Considering the peculiarities of the dialect of Tavush region, we want to warn that to understand the whole meaning of the expressions used in the video and the below-mentioned text, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Tavush.

“I think if we stayed pagan, the people of Ijevaan would have a deity for coffee named Bambas(gossip). ”


Ijevan coffee, various traditions, and customs revolving around it, many “they say”-s and “I have heard”-s or Hrant Ghazumyan tells about the big complexes of his small town.

Literate but crazy people of Ijevan

Considering the peculiarities of the dialect of Tavush region, we want to warn that to understand the whole meaning of the expressions used in the video and the below-mentioned text, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Tavush.
We’ll start today’s program by talking about intelligence, literacy, and level, and of course, we will spice it all up with our sweet dialect.
The next much watch.
…. as, in the end, Hrant’s program must be turned on and watched.

And if we don’t watch it, what people will say.
And more seriously, if you have an idea, implement it; if you have a good idea, bring it to life; if you have something to say, express yourself, Tavush TV is that place.
Let’s go.

The legends and legendary people of Ijevan

Considering the peculiarities of the dialect of Tavush region, we want to warn that to understand the whole meaning of the expressions used in the video and the below-mentioned text, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Tavush.

We are one of the unique nations that had a god of hospitality; we are speaking about Vanatur. And since we really like visiting others, we will start from that topic today.


You will learn about getting somothing for the hosts, traditional crying, and many other legendary traditions in the new issue of the Our Dialect and Customs program.

Ijevan. The opposite side of banal talks

Considering the peculiarities of the dialect of Tavush region, we want to warn that to understand the whole meaning of the expressions used in the video and the below-mentioned text, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Tavush.
“Do your goats graze with the goats of Tavush TV?”
You can answer this strange question and many other questions after watching the next issue of the Our Dialect and Customs program.
The mood is the one like in Ijevan and the topics are various and diverse. Hrant Ghazumyan continues to study our dialect and morals from various angles.
Special thanks to our compatriot Artur Musayelyan for “the taste and smell” of the first shots of the video.

The story of a reportage

Considering the peculiarities of the dialect of Tavush region, we want to warn that to understand the whole meaning of the expressions used in the video and the below-mentioned text, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Tavush.


Backstage. The reportage on Tavush TV about “HayBuis” festival by Hrant Ghazumyan.