A dish with nettle of Tavush

The reporter of Tavush Media, Araqsya Amiraghyan presents the secrets of making nettle in Tavush.
The reporter of Tavush Media, Araqsya Amiraghyan presents the secrets of making nettle in Tavush.
The best recipe of pakhlava by Gohar Qosakyan.
Clean the pumpkin, cut it and cook it, leave it to cool, then pass the cooked thick mass through a strainer. Add enough water to the resulting puree to make a neither too thick nor too watery mass.
Put the mixture on fire and start cooking. After boiling for 10 minutes, add sugar to taste, cook for another 10 minutes, then add sliced lemon. Leave to boil for another 2-3 minutes, then pour into washed and dried containers.
This time we are preparing one of the oldest dishes in Berdavan, Conchol. This soup is a very easy and quick type of dish. In the past, when people lived on pure wheat, they ate a lot of bread and thought that it was possible to get such food as an alternation.
For the soup, you need bread so that you don’t throw away the bread leftovers , you can dry it, keep it and use it.
You will also need onion, oil, butter, eggs, salt, red hot pepper, black pepper and thyme. Watch the details of the preparation in the video. Bon Appetit
We prepare one of the typical Armenian dishes – dolma with leaves, which is considered one of the jewels of Armenian cuisine. In addition to grape leaves, we also use raspberry and mulberry leaves, which also have very unique taste.
So put the leaves in boiling lightly salted water, as soon as they change color in 1-2 minutes and turn brown then immediately remove from the water. We make dolma with ground meat, onion, rice, different spices, mixing it all together and wrapping it in the leaves.
For dolma one will need: 1 kg of ground meat (preferably pork, if it is beef, you can add 200 grams of butter or fat) 1 cup of rice 2 medium onions (ground) Mixed fresh greens Thyme Black and red pepper (up to your taste) 1 tablespoon of salt I think many people prefer to eat a dolma with a leaves with garlic sauce because it is too tasty.
We spread the leaf on the opposite side, put almost a teaspoon of meat and wrap it gently. At the bottom of the pot, you need to spread a few grape leaves, on which we line the already wrapped small dolmas. When we finish wrapping, we pour enough water into the pot to cover the dolmas.
Boil for about 30-40 minutes. How to can grapes? Wash the 4-5 grape leaves, put them on top of each other, then fold and arrange in glass jars. Add salt water 1 teaspoon in one litre. Put a little water in a large saucepan, put the jars with the leaves and after boiling for five minutes, remove from the pan. Bon Appetit
This time I am making asparagus in my garden. Bon Appetit․
This time my kitchen smells like Armenian-traditional tzhvzhik. For cooking we need beef intestine like lungs, liver, etc. (you can also use other animal intestine).
Watch the full video to get to know the preparation process. The video was made in Berdavan village of Tavush region. Enjoy the video and the process of cooking.
We are having Japanese mood in my Alternative Kitchen this time. Enjoy it!
We are still in the East! After the Japanese video, I want to introduce you to a traditional Chinese dish called Hot Pot.
Having lived in China for a year, I liked this dish the most, and especially the process of its preparation.
You can leave your question below in the comments section and I will gladly answer them.
This time we make Astrodaucus, Solomon’s seal, and Falcaria right from our garden all natural. Like any green, these greens are very useful whether they are fresh, fried and pickled. You can, of course, freeze and use it at any time of the year.
The method of frying Astrodaucus and Falcaria is the same: onion, greens, salt, black or red pepper, egg. In order to make pickles from Falcaria and others, we prepare salt water in advance, 1 table spoon of salt per liter of water, and put the greens in cold salted water for one day. Bon Apetite