The Embassy of the Emirates distributed lamb to needy families

The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates continues to provide lamb to needy families in the regions of the Republic of Armenia on the occasion of the Feast of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha).

During the charity program, which is carried out under the auspices of the Emirates Red Crescent, 70 needy families in Tavush region of the RA were distributed sacrificial meat.

Armenian Red Cross Society implements Risk Awareness and Safe Behavior training project

Within the framework of “Risk awareness and safe behavior 2022” implemented by the Armenian Red Cross Society with the funding of the International Red Cross Committee, in April-May, in schools of 16 border communities of Tavush, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, Syunik regions of the Republic of Armenia, organized thematic puppet theatres and role-plays, for all the students of the 1-12th grade, teachers and parents.

Planned measures are intended to provide necessary knowledge on the general rules of self-conduct during mines, types of explosive remnants of war, their impact, and shelling helping to reduce accidents caused by the danger of explosive weapons.

As a result of the measures taken by the Armenian Red Cross Society, 3000 schoolchildren, 500 teachers, and 600 parents will be informed.

In parallel with the planned school events, awareness-raising community meetings, individual home visits, and awareness-raising briefings for the residents and more vulnerable groups will be continuously held.

Since September 2022. Relevant events will be held in 18 more schools in four regions of the RA.

As a result of the full implementation of the project, about 10000 schoolchildren, parents, residents, and representatives of the most vulnerable groups will be informed about the relevant risks and the rules for safe conduct to reduce their impact.

Let’s change the mentality; let’s clean the city

“With our own example,” 40 volunteers of the Armenian Red Cross in Tavush held a clean-up campaign in Ijevan on August 30, and they raised awareness about the cleanliness of the environment at the same time.

The event has been implemented within the framework of the “Let’s change the mentality, let’s clean the city” project, financed by the Japanese government. The project aims to improve the garbage collection system of Ijevan city.