“TAVUSH MEDIA” company was recognized as the winner in the competition for spreading the listening program in the territory of Tavush region of the RA

On April 3, the Commission of Television and Radio held a session, on the agenda was the issue of rating voting and the selection of the winner of the participants’ applications of the broadcasting competition in the territory of Tavush region of RA.

After the approval of the agenda of the session, the members of the Commission evaluated the contestants of the listening program through a closed and secret vote.

As a result of the rating voting, the “FM” LLC  that applied for participation received 81 points, the “TAVUSH MEDIA” LLC  received 85 points, and the “MEDIA MARSET” LLC  received 66 points.

Thus, through rating voting, the “TAVUSH MEDIA” LLC was recognized as the winner of the regional distribution competition for licensing the use of the frequency of the listening program, in the territory of Tavush region of the RA.