The deserved one, who was informed and saved the humankind from a disaster
For all the cornerstones of 21st-century-disaster management plans see Bible Genesis
God to Noah:
- Clearly ALARMS about the big climate change, and INFORMS about the impending disaster; when it will happen, how long it will last, what territory it will cover, what consequences it will have, giving the case the status of a CROSS-BORDER global CATASTROPHE.
- Gives detailed INSTRUCTIONS on the construction of an ark of cypress: size, building materials, additional reinforcing creams, number of floors: three, length, width, height, special secret for roof strength, even the position of the door.
- How to draw up a partial EVACUATION PLAN, evacuation ROUTE, develop evacuation COMMISSION, evacuation list, and BIODIVERSITY, maintaining GENDER EQUALITY and their diverse LIFE SUPPORT: food and water, their long-term storing, aiming to MAINTAIN THE GENERATION.
- How to perform a visual investigation and aerial reconnaissance.
- God also planned temporary evacuation, as well as a long-term residence: Mount ARARAT and the Ararat valley.
Mount Ararat is the symbol of the salvation of informed and just humanity. The story of the salvation of mankind started in the Ararat valley, where God tied a rainbow as a sign of reconciliation with humanity and said to love and keep the creative world, and not to break the laws of nature.
And the most important thing is the MORAL VALUE SYSTEM, God saves those, who are ready to be saved. Noah was the only perfect, pious and fair man in the corrupt world full of wickedness and injustice. God saves the informed-prepared. Whatever business or endeavor, even daily or world-saving, can succeed only when it is based on universal moral values: I FOUND YOU WORTH IT.