The official opening ceremony of InnoIjevan educational hub in Ijevan

In the framework of the project “Economic development and promotion of innovation in Ijevan through the creation of community ecosystems of public-private cooperation”, on June 30, the official opening ceremony of the “InnoIjevan” educational hub took place. The opening ceremony was followed by the panel discussion on the topic “State-Private Dialogue. Possibilities of economic modernization of Tavush region and the existing problems,” keeping the main branches of the economy of Tavush region, agriculture and tourism, as the core. The opening of the educational hub was the first component of the three-day “InnoFest” festival.

Lectures, panel discussions, master classes – the second day of “InnoFest” was full and festive again.

On the last day of the technology festival, along with the speeches and panel discussions, a job fair was also held.

InnoIjevan project is financed by European Union and is implemented by the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises, the “Co-Wo” company and the Ijevan municipality.