YSU Ijevan Branch wished good luck to 232 graduates. Graduation ceremony

The most awaited graduation ceremony took place at YSU IB. On July 16, the graduation ceremony of the branch for the 2021-2022 academic year took place, and 232 graduates received their diplomas.

The Rector of YSU and the Acting Director of the Ijevan Branch made speeches at the event, highlighting the role of the branch both in Tavush and in the structure of the University.

The Rector of the YSU and the Acting Director of the Branch handed over the red diplomas of the graduates, who graduated with excellence, then, the deans of the departments, according to the professions, handed over full-time and part-time graduates’ diplomas.

This year 232 students graduated from YSU Ijevan Branch: 79 full-time students and 153 part-time students.

The ceremony was accompanied by an exhibition of the works of the graduates of the Applied Arts Faculty, congratulations, and festive music.