Watch the “Dead End” film series on Tavush TV
The timeless programs of the Emergency Channel on Tavush TV. From this week, the series "Dead End" is shown on ...
The timeless programs of the Emergency Channel on Tavush TV. From this week, the series "Dead End" is shown on ...
Within the framework of the “Moral and Psychological Resistant Tavush” project implemented by Emergency Channel Information NGO and Tavush Media, ...
Ներբեռնել Ամեն տարի բնական, տեխնածին, բնապահպանական, համաճարակային ու սոցիալական աղետները լուրջ վնաս են հասցնում մեր երկրին ու ժողովրդին: Միջազգային փորձագետները ...
Tavush Media is the new project of Emergency Channel Informative NGO in Tavush region. Strengthening the information capabilities of the region: television, radio, website, and an educational resource center for young journalists. Information safety is the keystone of the safety system. We should together realize RESILIENT TAVUSH.
This website was funded through a Department of State Public Diplomacy Section grant, and the opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the Author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of State.